Stepan Negur | The Master of Bio-Organic Horror Tattoos

publish:2025-02-17 01:55:49   source : 生庙TheTemple    author :李慢慢很慢    views :5
李慢慢很慢 生庙TheTemple publish:2025-02-17 01:55:49  
[ ChengDu@TempleTattoo ]

生 物 有 机    恐 怖 大 师

- The Master of Bio-Organic Horror Tattoos -

[ 2 0 2 4 清 迈 展 会   全 场 最 佳 ]

Intervivew from World Tattoo Events -


For the readers who are not familiar with you, how would you introduce yourself?

我叫 Stepan Negur。我纹身已经 20 年了,在过去的 9 年里,我专注于有机风格。

My name is Stepan Negur. I have been tattooing for 20 years, and for the past 9 years, I have specialized in organic style.


Where did your fascination for tattoos come from?


I have loved drawing since childhood and experimented with different materials and techniques. I tried drawing with pencils, charcoal, ink, pastels, and paints. Furthermore, I dabbled in graffiti, wood burning, and even wanted to try airbrushing. One day, I discovered tattoos. This art form fascinated me because the human body was the canvas, and the tool was a needle. This way of creating images seemed like a mystical ritual that transformed the spirit of the person receiving the tattoo. It felt significant, and I was captivated.

How and when did you start tattooing?
这几乎是偶然发生的。那是 2004 年,我 14 岁。我的一个朋友学会了如何制作纹身机,出于无聊,他决定在家里制作一台。这种原始的设备由弯曲的勺子、CD 播放器电机、锋利的吉他弦和笔筒制成。当我看到它时,我立即要求测试它。后来,我制作了自己的机器,并开始为任何愿意的人纹身。这就是一切的开始。
It happened almost by accident. It was 2004, and I was 14 years old. A friend of mine learned how to make a tattoo machine and decided to build one at home out of boredom. This primitive device was made from a bent spoon, a CD player motor, a sharpened guitar string, and a pen barrel. When I saw it, I immediately asked to test it. Later, I made my own machine and started tattooing anyone willing. That’s how it all began.


How did you develop into your own tattoo style?

起初,我什么都做了。我就是喜欢这个过程。渐渐地,我想承担更复杂、更有趣的项目。有一天,我拿到了一本纹身杂志,在那里我看到了我以前从未想象过的各种风格和高水平的质量。逼真的 “3D ”纹身最引起了我的注意。我认为这是纹身领域最具挑战性的方向,并决定追求它。在我职业生涯的最初几年(2010-2014 年),我专注于现实主义。但后来有人让我做一个有机风格的袖子。我喜欢这种风格并决定尝试一下。然后另一个人要求有机,然后是另一个。很快,客户开始专门来找我进行有机纹身。事实证明,专门研究这种风格的艺术家并不多,而我相当擅长。最终,这种风格成为我的专长。

At first, I did everything. I just loved the process. Gradually, I wanted to take on more complex and interesting projects. One day, I got my hands on a tattoo magazine, where I saw various styles and a high level of quality that I had never imagined before. The realistic “3D” tattoos caught my attention the most. I thought it was the most challenging direction in tattooing and decided to pursue it. During the first years of my professional career (2010-2014), I focused on realism. But then someone asked me to do a sleeve in an organic style. I liked this style and decided to try it. Then another person requested organic, and then another. Soon, clients started coming to me specifically for organic tattoos. It turned out that not many artists specialized in this style, and I was quite good at it. Eventually, this style became my specialization.


What’s the main source of inspiration for your creations?


Nature has always been my main source of inspiration. The interesting shapes and textures of trees, corals, mollusks, fish, insects, and the macro world are fascinating to me.


What’s the working process to develop tattoos for your clients?


I do not prepare designs in advance. I create and draw each design directly on the client’s body on the day of the session, taking all their wishes into account.

2024 年成为纹身师最具挑战性的方面是什么?

What’s the most challenging aspect of being a tattoo artist in 2024?


Nowadays, the hardest part is promoting yourself on social media and creating content. I remember when you only needed to do good tattoos to gain recognition and respect. But at some point, social media changed its algorithms. Now, being a good artist isn’t enough. You need to make beautiful videos, speak to the camera, and try to catch the attention of the scrolling audience. This system also allows many artists who are not very skilled at drawing but can create appealing videos to gain popularity. I wasn’t prepared for this. I just wanted to draw and never liked being on camera. But everything changes, and you have to adapt.


What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a tattoo artist?


Besides the fascinating process of creating tattoos, the most rewarding part is seeing my clients happy and satisfied with the results. It gives life a sense of meaning.


What’s your biggest accomplishment as a tattoo artist?

我相信我是第一个将灰度和颜色结合起来的人。虽然这样的作品以前可能就存在过,但我不记得见过它们。我把灰墨和彩色墨水的组合作为我的鲜明特色,尤其是我的 “bio-glow ”,它成为我的标志性风格。我的作品很容易在众多相同风格的作品中辨认出来。这导致全球追随者和模仿者的增加。我的作品对纹身社区和文化产生了重大影响。我为这种文化带来了一些新的东西,并激励了许多纹身艺术家带来他们独特的贡献。我相信,这是我最大的成就。但老实说,没有人会无中生有地创造出真正新的东西。我们都受到某人或某事的启发。主要的秘诀是从各种来源中汲取一点,并巧妙地将其组合、消化和转化为全新的东西。显然,我做到了。

 I believe I was the first to combine greywash and color. While such works might have existed before, I don’t recall seeing them. I made the combination of greywash and colored inks my distinctive feature, especially my “bio-glow” which became my signature style. My works are easily recognizable among many others in the same style. This led to a rise in followers and imitators worldwide. My works have significantly influenced the tattoo community and culture. I brought something new to this culture and inspired many tattoo artists to bring their unique contributions. This, I believe, is my greatest achievement. But to be honest, no one creates something genuinely new out of nothing. We are all inspired by someone or something. The main secret is to take a little from various sources and skillfully combine, digest, and transform it into something completely new. Apparently, I managed to do that.

- 考 古 揭 底 环 节 -

-  T h a n k s    f o r    W a t c h i n g  -

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